Thank you all for helping out on another busy, dusty, loud and very productive work party.
Bill Ross picked up welding in the patch panels that Jim roughed in Friday. He got the driver rear one done and got a lot done on the front floors. It takes a lot of skill, patience and time to weld in these types of patches. They are looking good. Jim came down Friday and he and Bill K worked all day on prepping the cutouts and the patches and getting them tacked in place. A long days work.
Brian worked on the middle flooring. Russell had cleaned up a lot of it Friday and Brian was able to finish smoothing out the remaining rough spots, removing a layer of filler that we’re not quire sure why it was there, and putting Mar-Hyde where it was needed. That floor is about ready for paint.
Brian also worked on the dash cover with Clinton removing the dreadful cracked, chipped paint. He and Clinton spent hours with the grinding discs and big wire wheel getting it ready for primer and paint. They did a great job.
Seems like everyone spent a lot of time doing the fine sanding needed around the windows. This is hard, tedious work that will make painting those areas look terrific and professionally done. Bill K, Clinton, Dave K, Dave C, Russell…. Just about everyone pitched in. Big Thanks to everyone.
Reuben and Dave K removed the axles. Or rather Dave gave Reuben the tools he needed and Reuben got to learn how to take them out. This is not a fun job that anyone likes to do. It’s laying on the ground getting grease on you everywhere. Good job Reuben.
Michelle spent another day working at getting all the rest of our parts cleaned up and ready to be reinstalled. And she got them organized and in some semblance of order.
Dave K and Dave C got the windshield wiper mechanism out for a little R & R. They were able to bring it back to life and test everything. It works great now. I showed them how to break the little windshield spray nozzles no matter how hard you try not to when they are removed. I’ve become expert at that. Sheesh.
Dave C took a sander to the glue remnants at the front seat pedestals. Another loud, dusty, impossible job. But they cleaned up well and will look ok with a coat of paint.
Dave also helped me get started on the list of new items to be ordered. We went through last year’s list of about 40 “action areas” to be addressed. We deleted some that didn’t need attention and added some that do need addressing. I’ll be spending next week going over last year’s detailed parts list and making up one for this year. Hopefully Mike and Russell will be able to help. This is a long, tedious process but absolutely must be done as soon as possible. Sandi, I promise we will try and keep it under control.
I missed out on the most important part of the day, Greta’s wonderful lunch!!! I had to leave early but I’m sure we’ll hear from everyone on how good lunch was. Thank you again, Greta.
Author: John Manning
More images on our Raffle Bus #34 page

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